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Elder Care Guide (Page 18)

Massage Therapy Can Help You Get Around

Let’s be honest here, the worst part about aging is all of the aches and pains. Suddenly that expression “young at heart” starts to make sense because you know someone left off the “not in the joints” part of the saying.  Aging is especially annoying when you begin to lose your mobility. Even a minor case of arthritis can cause tremendous difficulty getting around. The good news is that medicine... ❯❯❯

Money Management Tips for the Golden Years

Money Management Tips for the Golden YearsSource-Pixabay In many ways, managing your money during your Golden Years will be somewhat easier than in the years before. After all, you only have the money that you have, which means your options are more limited. However, the rules related to money management have also shifted when you reach retirement age, which means things get more complicated and you have to deal with new taxes, costs... ❯❯❯

5 Ways to Boost Cognitive Function

Improving cognitive function can help your brain grow stronger, smarter and brighter. There are a variety of ways to keep your brain sharp. Emerging research around using klotho therapy to reduce the effects of aging offers the potential to slow the effects of cognitive decline that comes with aging. In this article, we’ll uncover five great ways to boost cognitive function, including a breakdown... ❯❯❯

Seniors! Make Sure You Know Your Medicare

The world of healthcare, health insurance and the medical industry has changed in more ways than most can articulate or document, within the last several years. Insurance plans are a challenge for most people to read and understand, and coverages can change each year without much warning. It’s also not surprising to receive large medical bills after appointments or procedures, that are completely... ❯❯❯

Life Insurance Over 50: Why Get it and Why Not

Life Insurance Over 50: Why Get it and Why NotDeath is inevitable, and what a better way to minimize its effects than by living behind a long-lasting legacy. The legacy can be in the form of a life insurance coverage that beneficiaries can cling on as they come to terms with the unfortunate event. At 50 years, it would be wise to take a life insurance policy so that beneficiaries can access some cash benefits once you are not there. The... ❯❯❯

5 Questions to ask before choosing a home care provider

When choosing a home care company, here is what to consider: This post is sponsored by Bunny’s Home Care in Baltimore  Getting a home care provider is a life-changing experience. Any senior who is considering such a change will probably feel a bit hesitant and more than likely have more than a few questions. The first course of action is to become fully informed about the home care lifestyle so... ❯❯❯

Products Seniors Absolutely Must Have

Products Seniors Absolutely Must HaveAs one grows older the costs of life insurance policies become more expensive. In your sixties the life insurance premiums are more expensive than those given in their early thirties. Old individuals are believed to be of greater risk because the chances of the company’s payout are very high. Even if this is true, there is a silver lining. There are plenty of life insurance policies that work... ❯❯❯

Signs You May Need Hip Replacement Surgery

Signs You May Need Hip Replacement SurgeryPhoto by Chastagner Thierry on Unsplash Between the cost, discomfort, and recovery time, surgery is not something people typically look forward to. However, it could make all the difference in relieving your pain and allowing you to return to your regular daily activities—especially when it comes to hip replacement surgery. If you think you may require a hip replacement surgery, here are some... ❯❯❯

How to Identify Unsafe Conditions in a Nursing Home

Senior home care is such an important part of health and happiness for elders. Although most seniors would prefer to live out the rest of their days in their homes, this isn’t always an option. Certain conditions require on-the-clock care, and senior centers may be better for individuals who could benefit from additional services and socialization. Unfortunately, the home care that you think your... ❯❯❯

How elderly people can avoid nasty falls at home.

Falls are common at home and 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 will fall at least once a year.  Thankfully many of these falls do not result in an injury but when they do they can be very nasty and sometimes be fatal.  Falls in elderly people can result in fractures, dislocations, sprains and bruising.  In this article, we will look at toms of the reasons which elderly people fall and what we can... ❯❯❯

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