Federal and state laws establish that employers have a duty to provide a safe work environment for employees and employers may be able to be held liable when workers are injured by workplace violence. Many work environments are prone to workplace aggression, and violence in the workplace has grown almost to an epidemic level. Occupational Violence Is the 3rd Leading Cause of Death Recent data... ❯❯❯
Many look forward to life after retirement. After all, you will no longer have to worry about going to a job or running a business, and you can finally sit, eat, and only focus on enjoying life. You have worked hard your entire life. You studied just so you can get a job, and you worked hard so you can have a peaceful retirement. Wouldn’t it be worst if you still couldn’t find peace even after... ❯❯❯
As human beings, we aspire to live a healthy and prosperous life. A proper balance must be maintained between physical and mental health. The process of aging starts from birth and continues throughout your lifecycle. In old age, adjusting to life changes becomes more crucial. This phase requires a person to be versatile and learn new skills to adapt to the changes in his or her life. As you... ❯❯❯
When we’re young it seems as though we have our whole lives ahead of us, and the bodies we were born with feel virtually indestructible. As we get older, however, our bodies can feel less and less reliable. Our lifestyles can prevent our bodies from being at their healthiest and most robust. An entire professional lifetime spent sitting, years of smoking and drinking, a diet full of heavily... ❯❯❯
Driving comes with its own risks that can become more challenging the older one gets. While the teen years and early 20s come with inexperience and rash decision making, drivers over the age of 65 have unique circumstances that can impede their ability to drive safely. In 2017, there were approximately 44 million drivers over the age of 65 in the United States, which is a 63% increase from 1999.... ❯❯❯
Respite care provides much-needed support for you and your carer. It's a great option for receiving care when your carer is planning to go on a holiday, or look after other members of the family, or even just for a break. There are great benefits to receiving respite care, and we'll uncover them in this article. 3 Major Benefits of Respite Care Your Carer Can Look after their Mental Health ... ❯❯❯
Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse Elder abuse is believed to be as rampant as child abuse, but it often flies under the radar. Nursery home abuse survivors are either too incapacitated or too scared or ashamed to report abuse in settings they are supposed to feel like home. Fortunately, there are some common warning signs that an elderly person may be abused. You just need to keep an eye out... ❯❯❯
Our bodies can’t survive without the oxygen that we take in from the air we breathe. However, for people who suffer from diseases of the lungs or other types of medical conditions that affect the lungs, it can be difficult to get enough of that oxygen. Not getting enough can leave you feeling short of breath while also causing issues with your brain, heart, and other body parts. Oxygen is a... ❯❯❯
Many myths have emerged over the years, but the most critical ones are those surrounding your health. From misconceptions about MSG being a cause of cancer to eggs contributing to high cholesterol, many of this information – some of which are passed down from generation to generation – are actually inaccurate. In fact, some of them are far-fetched as far as science is concerned. And that... ❯❯❯
With the American population living longer and healthier lives due to advancements in health care, more and more people are living to an age where they develop the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Because Alzheimer’s disease can have such devastating consequences, there’s a lot of interest in how to prevent this chronic, progressive disease. Recent research shows there are steps you can take to... ❯❯❯